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You know it's spring when you see the piles of junk outside people's homes. That's when you pull into your garage and see all the crap piled up. How do we even get such piles of stuff everywhere? We try to buy only what we really need. Look at the money wasted in stuff that you wish you had never even brought into your home. Or even worse is the piles of things people gave you, but you felt obligated to take it to be polite.
Believe it or not there are rules and sometimes fees for the things you're tossing. For instance you may actually be able to make money off of appliances. You need to have enough to make the drive out to get them worth it or you can deliver them but you get paid by the ton. Sometimes it's easier to give these away. Televisions, computer monitors, refrigerators, air conditioners, dehumidifiers, paint cans, propane tanks and tires all have a fee associated with getting rid of them. This may even be why you see them so often outside someone's home. Paying to throw things away can be a hard pill to swallow. At some point however, you want your yard or garage back.
Sometimes the mess isn't even yours. A loved one passes and all of their stuff is left to you. You hold a yard sale and you have family go through and take what is dear to them, but you're still left with so much. You hate to toss it, but no one needs this much stuff. Plus you hate to say it, but some of it really is just trash. Sometimes in cases like these you may want to hire a professional to come and finish the cleanup.
What about a loved one who is living with a hoarding problem? We have all seen that home. For a while it's not a big deal and no one says anything. Neighbors may get put off and perhaps the town points out an ordinance your loved one is breaking. They may go so far as to ask that your loved one begin junk removal immediately. While this was probably a long time coming it's going to be a long time cleaning. In this case, it might also be best to call a removal company.


Trash and Vaudeville

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